براى تهيه اين مدل كيك فنجونى با طعم كره بادام زمينى به مواد زير نياز داريد:
١ عدد موز رسيده له شده
١ عدد تخم مرغ يا فقط سفيده
٢ ق غ جودوسرپرك
١ ق غ كره بادام زمينى
٢ تا ٣ ق غ شير بادام يا معمولى
١ ق چ وانيل
ابتدا جودوسرپرك را آسياب كرده به حالت آردى در بياوريد و در بلندر يا غذاساز همه مواد بالا را باهم تركيب كرده و داخل فنجان ريخته به مدت ٢ دقيقه در ماكروفر قراردهيد. كيك فنجونى خوشمزه شما آماده ست! نوش جان!???

Healthy 2 Minutes Banana PB mug cake!?
* 1 ripe banana, mashed well
* 1 Egg
* 2 Tbsp oats flour * 1 Tbsp peanut butter * 2-3 Tbsp Almond milk
* 1 tsp Vanilla .


411 Responses

  1. Are there any specific dietary guidelines for women with infertility undergoing intrauterine insemination (IUI)?

    How does the use of reproductive immunology treatments, such as intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) or intralipid therapy, improve fertility outcomes in women with immune-related infertility?

  2. Men who do not wish to take medication for premature ejaculation may benefit from behavioral techniques or counseling.?

    Another natural product for premature ejaculation is using herbal teas such as green tea and chamomile tea.

  3. Another natural product for premature ejaculation is using herbal teas such as green tea and chamomile tea.?

    Other psychological therapies that may be recommended for men with PE include mindfulness-based therapy, hypnosis, and sex therapy.

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