يك دانه تخم مرغ را با نمك و فلفل و كمي شير مخلوط كرده كف ماهيتابه نچسب اگه دوس داشتين يكم كانولا اسپري كرده مواد را بريزيد روش موز ها رو بچينيد درش رو بذاريد تا بپزه ? از طرفي هر مدل بِري كه دوس داريد بهش يكم عسل يا شيره افرا بزنيد بذاريد در ماكرو يكم نرم بشه در آخر بريزيد روي كار ?? نوش جان صبحانه رژيمي جديد 


396 Responses

  1. In some cases, healthcare professionals may need to monitor individuals taking Priligy to ensure that the medication is working properly and is not causing any adverse effects. This may involve regular check-ins with the healthcare professional to as…

    A healthcare provider may also recommend medical tests to rule out underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to PE.

  2. To obtain a prescription for Priligy, individuals will need to make an appointment with a doctor or other healthcare professional who is authorized to prescribe medication. During the appointment, the healthcare professional will ask questions about…

    Some of the psychological factors that can contribute to premature ejaculation include anxiety, stress, depression, and relationship issues.

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